You might already know that the House voted this week to extend unemployment benefits for some Americans. It doesn't apply to everyone but slightly more than 50% of these, our united states, have an unemployment rate over 8.5% - the cutoff for 13 more weeks of unemployment benefits.
Yes, Fed Chairman said the recession is very likely nearly sort of over or something - but it seems to be pretty well excepted that unemployment is going to remain a problem for quite awhile. I keep reading that there are nearly 6 unemployed for every available job. I wonder if this number comes only from those claiming unemployment (and thus, does NOT take into account the folks whose benefits have already run out or who are not eligible - a reminder, that would have been me) or if it's everyone over 18 without a job (a number that is shockingly wrong the other way) or if it's a truly believable number that should terrify me.
Does anyone know?
Read about the Benefits Extension on The Consumerist
8 months ago
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