I know I haven't spoken much about The New Job - mostly because there have been other things to focus on (like getting the world record in Dr. Mario). That said, The New Job has been going pretty swimmingly. I like the folks I work with, I'm learning a ton, I'm challenged and engaged, I don't hate my commute and there's always something going on downtown to watch from my window.
I have noticed that it's hard to kick the reactions that are beaten into you through an abusive workplace. I find myself being a little skittish and unsure of myself sometimes here (things I am not readily identified with in normal life) and I'm trying to get over it, put it behind me, etc. Everyone has been exceedingly positive and I have to guess that they're pleased with my work - fingers crossed - because they don't seem like big fakers to me but...
All of that aside, I angled for a 90 day review in my offer letter (I'm not getting down to specifics but it had something to do with compensation) and tomorrow I am having my mid period check in (45 day review?). I am pretty at ease about it but there's a little part of me that is nervous... what ifs, ya know? I wouldn't say this is particularly abnormal for me - I tend to get nervous about things a lot. Maybe I am paranoid? And they usually turn out fine.
So, think of me tomorrow during your lunch hour. Constructive criticism is a great thing when done right and I'm fairly confident that it will be handled well. Eating a BLT during the pre-review review certainly can't hurt!
8 months ago
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