Oh dear readers... it's been a long bit since I've opened the Dr. Mario Record Book. The high score for the arcade game remains the same (960,600 - thank you Nik Meeks) but holy moly, the Nintendo score has rocketed up the scale. 2,010,400 for Will p Nichols - my goodness, that certainly does give me something to shot for. It also adds Will p Nichols to my list of Google searches for later this afternoon?
Where do I stand in this whole fiasco?
I dusted off ye olde Nintendo controller this weekend (thanks again RB for your donation to the cause - borrowing your Nintendo for untold months) and settled in for a match. Me v. computer box.
Things were going along well, I had a tidy little score amassed by Level 12 - combos and drops and amazing (if I do say so myself) little plays that were causing the virii to die with satisfying speed.
But then, one slip up - that's how it always goes - and the pill was turned the wrong way, they were piling up. Horror upon horror, the game was over.
Level 12!? Level 12?! What is this? Amateur hour?
Lesson learned - don't get cocky. Even video game dreams need tending. Back on the training track.
8 months ago
I'm not the type to google myself, but I did and it's nice to see some blog-props being thrown my way. How did the tournament go?
p.s. 12!? That shit's weak
Hey now, let's keep it civil! We all have our off days!