Oh Danny Wallace... Danny Wallace who created his own cult (
Join Me) and Danny Wallace who said yes to everything that was asked of him (
Yes Man) and Danny Wallace who started the stupid boy project of finding "loads of people named Dave Gorman" (
Are You Dave Gorman?). Danny Wallace who makes me laugh out loud on my commute and makes the yuppies on my bus stare at me in confusion.

Needless to say, I was pretty excited when I discovered that Danny Wallace had written another book.
Friends Like These: My Worldwide Quest to Find My Best Childhood Friends, Knock on Their Doors, and Ask Them to Come Out and Play is exactly what you expect it to be. Danny Wallace, on the precipice of turning 30, has what amounts to a minor freak out and spans the globe (for real, the globe) looking for his childhood friends. Some people have Facebook - Danny Wallace has world travel. Must be nice.
The book is, as expected, pretty funny. I wouldn't say that it lives up to
Join Me (my favorite Danny Wallace escapade) but it did make me crack up in public and embarass myself. Additionally, it turns out I'm only a few years behind Danny Wallace in the march towards 30 and I see all around me the things he's afraid of. We're talking multiple types of hummus in the fridge, your friends having babies, shotty construction work - YUPPIEHOOD.
Danny Wallace is delightful and his books are too. They make you
want to be his friend and take part in his silly little boy projects. You
want him to find all of his friends and you want them all to be just as happy as you are that he has found them!
Danny Wallace Google Videos!Danny Wallace's Own Web Page! Woot!
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