
Book 23 - Bangkok Tattoo By John Burdett

Before I jump into the review of Bangkok Tattoo by John Burdett, I thought I'd let you all in on a new development in the 52 books in 52 weeks goal - I've started tracking how long it takes me to read each book. So...

Book 23
Bangkok Tattoo By, John Burdett
320 pages - 5 days

Bangkok Tattoo ended up on my Amazon.com wish list (don't even get me started on how long that thing is) but who knows how it ended up there. When it also appeared on BookMooch, I figured I'd give it a shot.

Bangkok Tattoo is, apparently, a follow up to Burdett's Bangkok 8 (which I have not read). I can't speak for the first installment but Bangkok Tattoo is pretty entertaining. Very standard thriller material, keeps you guessing the whole time, very engaging... and then you forget pretty much everything a week later. I will say this - I remember the nature of the crimes in the book and they're pretty intense and creative - which I know is a weird word to use about a crime.

The characters aren't all one dimensional, though quite a few of the more minor characters are; and at least a few plot developments go unsolved but the book doesn't suffer too badly from those oversights. It's entertaining enough that I am interested in reading the first book - which the blogosphere has told me is superior to the one I've read.

Want more? Check out this interview with John Burdett.

**Intrepid Blogger Note: For those of you who don't yet know about BookMooch, check it out. It's AMAZING. For real, I love it. You sign up for an account and have the opportunity to send books out (to people who actually want to read them!) for points. You can then redeem those points for books you'd like to read. If you're interested in being BookMooch "friends", just let me know!**

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