I'm finishing up The Quit by Evan Harris this week and wanted to give you all an overview of the types of quits.
What type are you?
1. Make a Scene: I think you get it - create high drama or high tension
2. Change Horses Midstream: Be like Grace Kelly - quit being a movie star to become a princess
3. Quit Bit by Bit: Work up to quitting by quitting piece by piece
4. Be Reasonable: Calmly outline all the reasons you should quit - then quit
5. Achieve and Vanish: Pull a Bobby Fisher - win something huge then disappear
6. Fail and Disappear: Similar to the above but you know, also not
7. Muster Willpower: Some quits aren't fun and require willpower - like quitting smoking or biting your nails
8. Be Passive Aggressive: Get yourself fired
9. Get Fed Up: Similar to cause a scheme - you've had enough, you're done
10. Quit in the Clutch: Back out at the last minute - face the consequences
11. Repudiate Your Ideas: Disown opinions that were once very important
12. Abandon and Conceal: A secret quit, something completely personal - quit wearing your underwear - who will know!
13. Take Revenge: Design a quit that will cause a lot of trouble
14. Burn a Bridge: Turn your back on reasonable decisions, act rashly
15. Sulk: Pout, just pout
16. Plot and Endure: Spend a lot of the time leading up to the quit scheming and planning every aspect of your quit
17. Deny Involvement: Lie outright
18. Give Up: A gentle quit, giving up can sometimes go unnoticed
19. Take to Your Bed: When you are at your most desperate, collapse in a heap of depression
20. Wipe the Slate Clean: This situation involves total departure - quit everything
I've found that everyone dreams of making a scene, revenge quitting, burning bridges and the like. They're quits with big bang and feel justified.
Though I am quitting my job without a certain plan, I am a pretty planned and practical person. I used the Be Reasonable paired with the Plot and Endure with just a touch of Give Up and Get Fed Up tactics.
How would you quit?
8 months ago
I don't know - that is pretty interesting. I'll have to think about it. Basically I would hope I could be a Be Reasonable but I think for the most part I may be a Plot and Endure and then never get around to quitting...