As my time winds down at my current job, I'm faced with the same annoying or tedious or frustrating things I was before but there's a certain glee to be found in telling yourself "this is the last time I deal with X."
This is especially poignant this week as we have our quarterly company-wide meeting. This meeting is strategically located a couple of states away (a good 6 hour drive or hour plane ride followed by hour+ drive). Additionally, I have a meeting with a vendor before the quarterly that necessitates me driving alone. I have to admit I wasn't thrilled with this whole driving 6 hours there then 6 hours back by myself thing. I'm sure I don't need to explain to you why.
And then, over the weekend, I stumbled upon the upside to this. When one drives a distance of that magnitude, one receives a healthy expense check according to the federal mileage requirements! Long term - of course this is indicative of the wear and tear you're putting on your car. Short term - it means I have a few extra hundred dollars in my empty little pocket as I embark on my period of no job.
In the end, I'm pretty pleased with that. It'll help when I start my daily cash counter on September 1st - stay tuned for that dear readers.
8 months ago
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