I know this blog is about books... er... goals... er... unemployment? Wait, what is this blog about? Hmmmm. Well, any way you slice it, it's not typically a ranting blog but sometimes... SOMETIMES, you just have to rant. It's been nearly five months since my last rant post (Why Consumer Electronics Brands Need a Valium), and it's just about time for the next one.
A quick disclaimer before I dive right in: This post is for comic affect, it is meant to make you laugh. I know that I have it pretty good and millions of folks have it much, much worse. Just for the record.
So, let's get things started. I don't typically delve into my personal details here on Quitsville but the sharpest of you may have realized that I live in Boston - or you know this because you personally know me - which means, ostensibly, that I like the Red Sox and Dunkin Donuts coffee (one of those true). What it also means is that for the last few days I have been watching the city fall apart.
To start things off, the much-beloved MBTA (that's a joke for you non-locals) suffered an electrical fire last Thursday (April 29th). To be specific, it was on the Red Line - the line I use for the record. Since Thursday, the Red Line has been experiencing 10-15 minute delays at all times as repairs are made. Also, for the record, 10-15 minutes is generous... to the MBTA, not to us.
So great, we've got the picture started; however, a red line delay (sadly) is not news. What's news? I hear you asking. Well, how about the breach in a 10 foot water pipe outside of Weston, MA that supplies water to the entire Greater Boston area? Yes, I think we can all agree that that is news. Early Saturday morning, that did in fact happen - a great break in our main water line causing the city of Boston (and oh, about two dozen neighboring towns and cities) to be immediately without drinking water. Don't get me wrong, we have flowing water - safe for bathing and... little else - but we can't drink the water. There is a "boil water order" in effect, requiring us to boil anything we want to drink, wash dishes, brush teeth, etc. with. Or use bottled water.... which, not surprisingly has been in short supply due to the panicking masses.
When this all started it was like a little mini adventure. No water! Crazy! But then it kept going. The line has been fixed but we're still 24-48 hours (best case scenario) our from being able to drink our water (or do our dishes - OCD panic attack ensuing). Add on top of that the fact that it's been roughly a million degrees and humid as hell here in Boston and you've got a pretty cranky populous. Just for fun, it's also started to rain this morning. And just for the record, no water means no coffee.
*Shakes fist at sky*
For those of you on Twitter, follow the fun at #aquapocalypse and #h20OMG.
8 months ago
Then you'll love this headline from Boston.com:
ReplyDeleteService on Green Line D branch stopped due to tree