
Book 29 - Theodosia and the Serpent of Chaos

This is not the first of the 52 to be technically found in the young adult fiction section of the bookstore (see Book 22: Diary of a Wimpy Kid) but R. L. Lafever's Theodosia and the Serpent of Chaos is pretty entertaining to those of us with a driver's license (okay... and a full fledged adult card) too.

The book is the first in a series of books about Theodosia, our precocious, 11-year-old protagonist who gets in and out of scrapes with a natural skill (or lack thereof) that would stun any of her boy counterparts. The book is billed as "the next Harry Potter" but to me, it seemed more like a historic Harriet the Spy meets a book focused on Hermione from the Harry Potter series (yes, I read a lot of kids' books...). Where Harry is a magical character, in a life or death struggle over eternity, who seems to pair luck and skill to success, Theodosia is your typical book-smart, more parental than her parents, practical heroine.

Of course, she does tempt fate with a boat trip across the ocean and a fairly violent battle with some nefarious German villains, but you're pretty sure that she's going to pull through. With help from her nitwit brother, her ridiculous cat, and a handful of other two-dimensional characters, Theodosia manages to pull through - saving the fate of Britain and her family, with her parents none the wiser.

Check out some other grown-up reviews:

And hear about it from Theodosia Throckmorton herself on her very own website (and blog!) and check out R. L.Lafever's website while you're at it. Happy reading!

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