
The Kindle: A Review

Dear readers! If you remember correctly, last time we met, a new Kindle had fallen into my lap (because it was purchased and brought into my house...). At the best of times, I would describe myself as "skeptical of new technology." I'm no Luddite but I like what I've got and new technology makes me nervous (how many mega pixels does a girl need!?). I'm old fashioned - I like the feel of a book, and the smell of the pages.

Well, without further ado, an old fashioned reader's review of the Kindle: it sort of rocks.

I mean, for serious folks, for travelling, this thing is THE THING. And don't go thinking that I was swayed by it's shiny beauty (I might have been a bit) - I compared the Kindle experience with that of the iPad reader and the Kindle app on my iPod. Yes, the iPad is pretty sweet - it's beautiful and fast and sleek and everything you expect from Apple. But as an e-reader? It's not ideal. Sure, it pulls together my "virtual bookshelf" in a way that is pretty appealing to the eye but once you've compared the actual reading experience to that of the Kindle, the iPad (as well as the Kindle app on the iPod) falls flat.

The Kindle is as close to a real book as an electronics device can get, in my estimation. The greyish screen (I know there's a fancier term for this but I can't remember it) is really paper-like. Your eyes don't get strained or tired; in fact, you sort of don't realize you're reading on a Kindle. And for me, that's the biggest compliment I can give the device. It's not a book; you don't actually turn pages, there's no old book smell, etc. But, I am not constantly reminded that it's not a book - as I am with other e-readers I've tested.

My biggest fear with the Kindle though, was not the feel of it but the actual mechanism for "turning pages." For those of you who aren't familiar, there's a slight shuddering with each page turn and I was convinced (mightily) that it would drive me mad. In reality, I stopped noticing it after page 2. It seems like a HUGE deal when you're just playing with the device but when you're reading a good book? You have other things to focus on.

So am I a convert? Not exactly. I'll probably still prefer hard copy books (unless we're talking War and Peace maybe!) but I have to say that I am a fan of the Kindle. I have converted in that sense. Would I buy one now? Yes. Would I buy one for someone else? Yes (in fact, I already have).

Nice job Amazon.

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