
We Love Libraries!

For anyone who's met me in person, this will be an old topic: I love my local library! It's true, I can't help it. The Minuteman Library system is amazing - connecting tons of local libraries within the Boston Metro area and allowing me to request nearly anything I could possibly want. I can request online and track my borrowing (I recently realized I can see ALL the items I've checked out since 2006... it's a bit scary). I love it. It appeals to my thrifty, DIY style and my anal-retentive data side.

I've been hearing lately that the young folks (those in their 20s) are getting more and more hip to the library and all I have to say is yay! The library is an amazing resource for all of us and I wish more people would use it. You can borrow books of course but also DVDs and CDs and museum passes. It's a great way to get to know your community with different events (book sales, movie nights, second language conversation).

Sure, I've had my moments of pain (thinking specifically of the time I lost a Will and Grace DVD in my stolen laptop - Mrs. Librarian was not understanding) but overall the staff at my local library is wonderful. They now recognize me (something that brings no end of teasing glee to my loved ones) and engage me in conversation around the books I request. Moreover, they've not once yelled at me for using the library to it's utmost - I mean seriously, I push all the boundaries of borrowing.

It seems I am not alone. Check out this Gizmodo article: Public Libraries are Beating Netflix, Redbox and Blockbuster in DVD Rentals.

And please, go get a library card.

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