This article, Job satisfaction falls to record low in US, survey shows, is a few days old but it stimulated a lot of thought for me. The main point of the article, from what I can gather, is that even people who are employed are unhappy - only 45% of current US workers are satisfied with their job.
I'll admit, less than half of folks being satisfied in their jobs is not ideal. However, it seems that the number's never been that high - it was 49% in 2008 and 61% in 1987 when the survey was first developed. The Conference Board maintains that this 61% number is "most workers" but let's be honest, 61% is not most... it's more than half, not most.
But more than just inner commentary on what it says about our culture that most people are not satisfied with their jobs, I want more information on the survey. How many people did the survey and where and of what age and what education and in what jobs? Were CEOs less satisfied with their jobs or were baristas? Is the dissatisfaction a symptom of an actually sucky job or an inflated ambition?
I would say I'm satisfied with my job. Actually, I'd say I'm more than satisfied but let's not show off. Looking back over my years of employement, I'd say I've been satisfied 75% of the time actually. Not bad, especially given my reason for starting this blog!
How satisfied are you with your job?
8 months ago
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