I'm not trying to be trite with my choice of titles, trust me. Even though we're beseiged by "How To" articles around the job search, I remain convinced that there is not true "method" that you can follow. This is especially true today, given the wide variance of career paths, industries, focus, and type of job candidate. The "How To" get a job for someone like me (vaguely in marketing, interested in cause related work and social media) is completely different from that of a 45 year old suit trying to get a financial job. I know I'm being overly simplistic but let's face it, if you follow the "How To" guides of the world, it's equally possible for you not to get a job.
That said, I still read them.
And a few days back (I admit it, I'm behind on the Google Reader), Applicant had a list of 30 Ways to Land a Job in 2010. Now, whether you can it twenty-ten or two thounsand ten, I'm not sure these 30 tips are all that different from those you'd see in 2009.
A few of the tips did get me thinking though. Specifically:
1. Volunteer for an unpaid internship, it may lead to full time work.
23. Do some volunteer work that will increase the skills you need.
I know that during the last twelve months, how we view the economy and employment has been challenged and shat upon and generally defaced at every turn. "How To" find a job hasn't changed so much as the fact that you can try all the "How To" tip sheets in the world and if they're not hiring, they're definitely not hiring you. When that happens, it's time to make use of your time in a valuable (if not profitable) manner. Volunteer, learn new skills, intern - the number of overqualified interns has risen dramatically in the last year. And yes, that company might not be hiring but they're almost surely interested in taking advantage of your need to do something. And, if you're lucky, you'll find a company that might repay you for that when they're back on the upswing.
That said, my favorite tip of Applicant's Top 30 was this one:
22. Wear a sign with your contact information and stand out on the street around businesses your interested in. (it's a photo, you should click!)
8 months ago
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