
Road to the Record: 810,000

This weekend found me traveling in the pouring rain to New Hampshire for a quick trip to Funspot (the world's largest arcade). I think you already know why... but just for fun, humor me and let me tell you again. Goal #1 (post-Quit) is to get the world record in the Dr. Mario game. I'm focusing on the actual Arcade platform for now but there are high scores for multiple platforms. For this round of the Goal, only two really matter:

NES: 1,358,400
Arcade: 960,600

As you'll see, the arcade platform clocks in at 960,600 for the high score (on the medium level). It's not an insignificant number. That said, I'm rocking my score in around 810,000 as of this weekend. I'm getting far closer with each game - to date, I've played 5 full games of Dr. Mario on the arcade machine. How about a tally:

Game 1 - 319,000
Game 2 - 350,000
Game 3 - 460,000
Game 4 - 560,000
Game 5 - 810,000

Each game takes about 2 hours and on average, I increase about 100-150k. Theoretically, I only need one or two games to really obliterate the record but I suspect it will take a few more times than that.

In the meantime, a photo:

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